My life's work is to help others to be happy and healthy and to navigate their cancer journey during and after treatment.

What do I mean by that?

I want to share with others the impact and value of eating healthy, movement, and stress reduction and why it is important to live a healthy life so that you can live a health-full life.

Our health and healing is a whole person experience.

You can do this.
Together we can do this.

Hi I'm Kathryn

As a cancer survivor, I am deeply passionate about health and wellness. Prior to cancer I thought I was eating healthy; little did I know that I had so much more to learn.

After completing treatment and getting my health back I dug deep into the roots of colon cancer to learn more about how to prevent it and how to live healthier. The successful completion of a culinary nutrition course led me to launch my own business running workshops and personalized nutrition planning for people wanting to change their own lives and prevent disease. The next step in my personal road to health and healing was to become a 200 hour registered yoga teacher. I love leading gentle yoga classes and guided meditations to help people move through their own health and healing process.

I want to share my success story and my passion with you through wellness education. As a former teacher turned culinary nutrition educator and yoga instructor, my objective is to have people eat whole foods, get cooking, get moving, and get healthy.

“What a great class and what an inspiration you are. I’m motivated to make more things myself… You just really need someone like you to come along and remind us, and show us, how easy this stuff is. Loved everything you prepared and will be impressing my kids with these wonderful goodies. The information was enlightening, there’s so much we can do to help ourselves be healthier, thank you for opening my eyes and inspiring me to do even better.”

- Doreen